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~Message from the Chief~
If you have any questions that our website doesn't answer for you, feel free to contact me --- 613-633-9100 or firechief@nalgonawil.com
Rick Marshall, Fire Chief
Working Smoke Alarms: It’s the Law!
Some of the most law-abiding people are unknowingly breaking the law every day. Not for robbery, or speeding, or assault. But simply because they don’t have working smoke alarms in their homes. A recent amendment to the Ontario Fire Code now requires homes to have working smoke alarms on every level. This is in addition to the existing requirement of having smoke alarms outside all sleeping areas. The amendment applies to all single-family, semi-detached and town homes, whether owner-occupied or rented.
Message about Flashing Green Lights!
Firefighters use FLASHING GREEN LIGHTS on their personal vehicles when responding to a fire. When you see the
FLASHING GREEN LIGHT please treat it as an emergency vehicle. Pull SAFELY to the side of the road and stop so
they can get past.