Canada Day 2020
North Algona Wilberforce Canada Day 2020
Wednesday July 1, 2020
A Tribute to our first Responders and Front-Line Workers
Thank you to everyone that participated in North Algona Wilberforce’s first online Canada Day event. It was a new experience for the Township and it turned out to be a lot of fun.
Canada Day 2020 Greetings from the Mayor and Council of North Algona Wilberforce.
We are so glad to have you help us celebrate the birthday of our great country. It has been a difficult year so far; we have seen great tragedy through violence and illness.We have been forced into a new protected existence to try to curve the Covid-19 pandemic. But through it all you have demonstrated our strength and unity as a township and as a country. It has been through first responders and frontline workers stepping up to the plate and remaining on duty through these past few months and it has been about people supporting and helping others. We have so much to be thankful for.
Let us take a welcomed deserving break, stay within our physical guidelines, and celebrate the day as best we can.
Thank you, First Responders, and essential workers,
Thank you, residents of North Algona Wilberforce!