The next Municipal Election will be held in 2026
2022 Municipal and School Board elections
Municipal & School Board Elections are held every four years on the fourth Monday of October in Ontario. The next Municipal & School Board Election will be held Monday, October 24, 2022. The last Municipal & School Board Election was held on October 22, 2018, and under the Municipal Elections Act, the four-year term of office for the current council and school board trustees began December 1, 2018 and ends November 14, 2022.
If you are a resident, owner or tenant of property in North Algona Wilberforce Township, a Canadian citizen and 18 years of age you can vote in the municipal election.
The Township will be using Vote-by-Mail for the 2022 Municipal Election. Instead of having traditional poll locations for voting, a voter kit will be mailed to each eligible elector on the voters’ list. It is the responsibility of every elector to ensure that their information is up to date.

Election Day is Monday, October 24, 2022
Key Dates
2022 Municipal Election
The next Municipal Election will be held on Monday October 24, 2022.
The following are key dates in the 2022 Municipal & School Board Election Campaign
Nominations accepted
May 2, 2022 – August 18,2022 (8:30 am to 4:30) and Friday August 19,2022 (9:00 am to 2:00 pm).
Certification of Nominations
August 22,2022 by 4:00 pm.
Official List of Candidates Posted with any Declarations of Acclamation
August 22,2022 after 4:00 pm.
Third Party Advertising Registration Period
May 2,2022 to October 4,2022 by 4:30 pm.
‘Lame Duck’ Period – If applicable
August 19,2022 at 2:00 pm to November 14,2022 at 11:59 pm.
Preliminary List of Electors Released to the Public
September 1,2022
Term of New Council
November 15,2022 to November 14, 2026
Ending of Campaign
Last date for any candidate and third-party campaigning
January 3,2023
Candidate and Third-Party Financial reporting deadline
March 31,2023
Late Candidate and Third-party Financial Reporting (subject to $500.00 late filing fee)
May 1,2023 at 2:00 pm.
Voter Information
Voters’ List Lookup
Are you registered to vote for the Township of North Algona Wilberforce?
- confirm or update their electoral information;
- add an elector name to an address; and,
- change school support for the purpose of voting in a school board election.
Voter Eligibility
You can vote if you are:
- A Canadian citizen; and
- At least 18 years old; and
- A resident of North Algona Wilberforce; or
- A non-resident of North Algona Wilberforce, but you or your spouse own or rent property in the Municipality; and
- Are not prohibited from voting under any law
You may only vote once in the North Algona Wilberforce municipal election regardless of how many properties you own or rent within the municipality. You may also vote in multiple Municipal Elections if you own property outside of North Algona Wilberforce.
Click Here to view the 2022 VOTERS GUIDE
This guide provides information to voters for the municipal council and school board elections. The information also applies to any by-elections that may be held.
This guide is not meant to replace provincial legislation. It provides general information about the rules contained in the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and other legislation and regulations,
Unofficial List of Candidates and Registered Third Party Advertisers
A full list will appear below as Candidates are nominated during the nomination period between May 2, 2022, and August 19, 2022 (at 2:00 p.m.).
Unofficial-List-of-Nominations-August 19, 2022
List of Certified Candidates
Renfrew County & District School Board
Notice of Acclamation
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board
Notice of Acclamation
Conseiller (ère), Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario
List of Certified Candidates 2022
Notice of Acclamation
Conseiller (ère), Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est
List of Certified Candidates 2022
Vote by Mail
The Township of North Algona Wilberforce will be using Vote-by-Mail for the 2022 Municipal Election.
Instead of having the traditional poll locations for voting,
a VOTER KIT will be mailed to each eligible elector on the voters list.
How to Vote – Voting is convenient with Vote By Mail
- Ensure you are on the list, and your mailing address is up to date.
- Wait for your Voter Kit to arrive in the mail (late September, early October).
- Click here to watch the Vote by Mail video instructions
Election Forms
Provincial Forms
2022 Nomination Forms
Endorsement of Nomination Form 2
Appointment for Voting Proxy Form 3
Financial Statement Auditors Report Candidate Form 4
Financial Statement -Subsequent Expenses Form 5
Notice of Extension of Campaign Period Form 6
Notice of Registration for Third Party Form 7
Municipality of North Algona Wilberforce Forms and Policies
By-law 2022-26 Use of Corporate Resources for Campaign Purposes
By-law 2016-15 Council Code of Conduct
Renfrew County Guidelines for Political Campaign Signs
Ministry of Transportation- Ontario – Election Signs on Highways Rights of Way
By-law 2022-06 Alternate Voting Method
By-law 2022-30 Clerk’s Rules and Procedures, Municipal Elections
Candidate Information
Before Nomination
It is recommended that candidates familiarize themselves with the financial responsibilities, reporting requirements, campaign roles, potential penalties, and the public nature of all documentation submitted to the Clerk’s Office for a campaign.
2022 Municipal Election Candidate Information Guide
Candidates’ Guide – Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Ontario Municipal Councillors Guide
North Algona Wilberforce Council Composition
Municipal Council is made up of 1 elected Mayor and 4 elected Councillors.
Who can be a Mayor or Councilor Candidate?
If you:
- are a resident of the Township of North Algona Wilberforce, or an owner or tenant of land in the Township of North Algona Wilberforce, or the spouse of such an owner or tenant;
- are a Canadian Citizen;
- are at least 18 years old; and
- are not legally prohibited from voting.
Who cannot be a Mayor or Councillor candidate?
The following people are disqualified from being elected as a member of council, or from holding office as a member of council:
- an employee of the municipality unless an unpaid leave of absence is taken beginning the day of nomination and resigns if elected to the office. The employee must provide documentation proving they have taken the leave of absence and the effective date. Persons appointed by bylaw to certain legislated positions of the Municipality may be required to resign or have the bylaw amended before filing a nomination (example: Line Fence Viewers, Livestock Investigators, etc…).
- a judge of any court.
- a member of the Provincial Legislature, the Federal House of Commons or Senate who has not resigned from their office by the close of nominations. Proof of resignation must be provided by the close of nominations or the Clerk will not certify the nomination.
- a candidate who failed to file the necessary financial statement(s) in the last municipal election or by-election
Volunteer Firefighters: According to the Municipal Elections Act, a person shall not be considered an employee of a municipality or local board for the purposes of this section by reason only of being a volunteer firefighter as defined in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997.
Nomination Procedures
The Nomination form must be accompanied by a filing fee in cash, certified cheque, money order or by debit, payable to the Township of North Algona Wilberforce,
- $200 for the Office of the Mayor
- $100 for the Office of Councillor
Filing your nomination
To file your nomination, you must give the following to your municipal clerk:
- a completed form
- the nomination fee
When you fill out the nomination form, write down your name as you want it to appear on the ballot. If you normally go by a different name than your legal first name, you may use that name provided that the clerk agrees.
You do not have to provide all of your names under the box entitled “Given Name(s)” on the form. Only provide the one(s) that you want to appear on the ballot. If your legal name is a single name you do not have to provide any given names. Your name will appear on the Township of North Algona Wilberforce website and ballot as it is on your nomination form.
You must file the nomination form that you have signed – the form may not be a copy and may not be scanned and submitted electronically.
You must file the nomination form in person or have an agent file it on your behalf. If an agent is going to file the form on your behalf the agent must have written authorization signed by a commissioner. They must have a copy of your ID and show their ID.
The clerk will require you to show identification or fill in an additional form to prove that you are eligible to be nominated. If you rent property from someone, a copy of the lease may be required.
You will be required to complete the Consent to Release Personal Information form, Candidate’s Declaration form and, Proper Use of Voters list form.
The voters list will be available September 1,2022.
Third-Party Advertising Information
2022 Third Party Advertisers Guide(will link)
2022 Third Party Advertisers’ Guide This guide provides information to those who want to register as third party advertisers for the 2022 municipal council and school board elections. The information also applies to any byelections that may be held during the 2022-2026 council and school board term.
School Board &
Trustee Information
2022 Ontario Municipal & School Board Election website.
Election Day is Monday, October 24, 2022.
This site features information about Ontario’s School Board Trustees and the upcoming 2022 School Board Elections. The Ontario Education Services Corporation (OESC) created this site in partnership with Ontario’s school board / trustee associations as a resource for trustee candidates and voters.